Tourist Trails
Şuior resort is positioned at the base of the Gutâi Montain and it offers a great variety of trails marked for all hiking enthusiasts. Those with experience can check out the direct trails with great level differences, such as: Mogoşa Peak (1246 m), the peaks of the Gutâi Mountains, the Secătura Peak (1392 m), Creasta Cocoşului (1394 m), the Gutâi Peak (1443 m), the Gutâiul Mic Peak (1392 m). With additional endurance we also mention the Igniș Peak (1307 m). The same objectives can be reached also by those who are not so well prepared for the mountains, by covering trails on level curves, that are longer, but less difficult and reduce the level difference gradually.
The trails from the area are marked, have fitted rest areas, usually near clear mountain springs; they go through areas covered with woods, but also alpine pastures with great views. The mountain peaks, with their panoramic views, constitute points for true geography lessons. Thus, from Gutâi Peak we will see the hystoric Maramureş to the North, the Ucrainian Carpathians, the Maramureş Mountains with Pop Ivan Peak, Farcău Peak, Mihailec Peak towards East, the Rodnei Mountains with the Pietrosul Peak (2303 m) in the foreground, the highest peak from the Oriental Carpathians, and in the background – the Ineu Peak, also called the `Matterhorn of the North`.